Perilous Warp Crack

  • Rachel thought it was just a series of darkly erotic fantasy stories. Stories about women who voluntarily put themselves in deadly peril had always excited her. It was like she’d found something she’d been searching for her whole life. She was envious of those women willing to die chasing their darkest fantasizes.
    I knew since I was young that idea of being the damsel in distress was a turn on. I’d often write story's for my own pleasure, but never shared them. I thought people would commit me if they knew. I knew my fantasies didn't seem sane, but I knew I wasn't crazy.
    However, after I discovered Minos’s website, something profound happened, I suddenly found it easy to express my true feelings. Imagine if the stories featured on his website were as real as I so desperately wished they were. Perhaps there were other women with fantasies like mine. Finally working up my courage, I emailed him, but he didn't respond. Undeterred, I shared one of my darkest most erotic fantasies with him, dreaming that maybe he’d offer to bring my fantasy to life, but he still didn’t respond.
    Frustrated, I asked again, “If the stories featured on his website were works of fiction or based on real-life, please wouldn’t you tell me? I so desperately want them to be real, so that I could willingly participate in my own for you.”
    Finally, Minos replied, however, he wouldn't commit to them being real, saying merely that they were just fantasies. Still, Rachel pressed him, “I don’t think you truly understand just how serious I am about this, and I really want my fantasy to become one of your stories.”
    Two days went by before he finally replied, “If it were real, just how far you are really willing to go?”
    Smiling as I sent my reply, “Beheaded, like in the story I shared with you about being run over by a train, however, if you can’t find a train, dying beneath the razor-sharp falling blade of a guillotine.”
    Sensing that Rachel was serious Minos responded, “What if I told you I have access to a guillotine?”
    “Really, do you take volunteers?”
    Within minutes Minos replied, “Normally no, but in your case I’m willing to make an exception. I’m willing to trust you but this must remain a secret, you can tell no one about this. How soon can you get to Detroit?”
    Thrilled, I typed excitedly and hit send, “I live about an hour’s drive away.”
    Minos responded within seconds, “Well, since tomorrow is Friday, let's aim for tomorrow night. I'll make all the arrangements and send you instructions.”
    Staring at his response, I was ecstatic. Oh My God, this is really going to happen. My greatest erotic fantasy is actually going to come true!
    The next day I eagerly awaited his instructions. It was already past three in the afternoon, and I still hadn’t heard from him. I was just starting to think that maybe this was all too good to be true, but no sooner did I think that, when another email appeared in my inbox.
    “Wear your hair up and dress in something sexy, and there’s a package waiting in your mailbox, something to get you in the mood for this evening’s perilous festivities, be sure to wear what’s inside. A limo will arrive at eight this evening to pick you up.”
    Racing downstairs I discovered a package, one lacking a return address. Returning upstairs to my apartment, I ripped open the package, the contents causing me to blush as the erotic implications sank in.
    Early that evening, after a glass or two of wine and long hot bath, one scented with my favorite bath salts, I did my makeup and pinning up my hair started getting dressed. Tall stiletto heels, a short, figure hugging, pencil skirt and blouse over a corset, thong, tights, and of course the contents of that mysteriously package.

  • No sooner had I finished dressing and walked back downstairs, where a long black limousine waited, the driver standing by the open back door, “Rachel?”
    Surprised, a more than a bit curious I replied as I stepped into the limo, “Yes, but how did you know where to find me?”
    Smiling at the look surprise on Rachel’s face the driver closed my door and returning to his place in front, lowered the partition, “We know these things. Now, please hand me your cellphone.”
    Nervously removing my cellphone from my purse, I leaned forward handing through the open partition I asked, “Where are we going?”
    Still smiling, the driver answered as he raised the partition’s opaque glass, “Just sit back and relax Rachel. We’ll be there in about an hour.”
    Watching the highway signs I knew we were nearing the outskirts of Detroit when we exited the highway and entering a rundown industrial park, approached one of the buildings. Once we stopped the driver walked around to open my door. Then, as I exited the limo, he handed me a key and said, “Down the walkway, the second door to your left, the one under the illuminated light.”
    Looking at the driver I nervously asked, “Is there a point of no return?”
    Smiling darkly the driver simply stated, “Before you got in the limo.”
    Watching the driver walking around the limo, I asked, “Can I have my cellphone back?”
    Pausing as he opened the driver’s door, he simply said, “I threw it in the river shortly after we left your apartment building.”

  • Watching the limo’s tail lights disappearing into the darkness, I nervously looked around. I was standing somewhere deep in an old and mostly abandoned looking industrial park, where even the street lights were dark. The bards tale trilogy download for mac. Clearly, I wasn’t in one of the safer parts of Detroit. Struggling to calm my nerves I started toward that illuminated door, the sound of my high heels against the concrete sidewalk echoing off into the darkness.
    Reaching the door, I put the key into the lock and taking a deep breath, closed my eyes as I turned the key and opened the door. Quickly stepping inside I heard the door swinging closed behind me, the sharp metallic click of the deadbolts relocking behind her.
    As the door closed, the hallway where I was standing was plunged into darkness. Pausing to give my eyes a few moments to adjust to my dimly lit surroundings, before I started toward the far end of the hallway where there seemed to be another door illuminated by an overhead light.
    I finally managed to reach the far end of the corridor without tripping on any of the junk that littered the floor. I could feel my heart pounding within my chest as reached out and tried to open the door only to find it locked. Still holding the key that I used to gain entrance into the building, I inserted it into the keyhole, the key turning effortlessly to unlock this second door. Stepping inside I heard the door closing behind me, this time plunging me into complete darkness as I heard the door’s deadbolt ominously clicking into place.

  • Not knowing what to expect I stood quietly alone wrapped in darkness, a moment later, a single overhead spotlight came on, dim at first but slowly growing in brightness as it gradually revealed the room’s contents, an ominously waiting guillotine. A faint gasp of unexpected terror escaped my lips as I stared at the guillotine’s polished steel glistening in the bright overhead light, its deadly razor-sharp blade silently waiting, poised high above me.
    Noticing what looked like a flat-panel display mounted on a pedestal near the back of the guillotine I nervously approached. The flat panel displayed a large red icon labeled ‘Push to Begin’. Realizing that I was already hopelessly past the point of no return, I reached out, my hand trembling, and tapped the icon.
    Within seconds, the button disappeared from the display, replaced by a short checklist. First, remove my blouse and skirt. Second, if you haven’t done so, pin your hair up before continuing. Third, input preferred minimum / maximum termination delay intervals. Skip this step if you prefer to use the system's default values. Fourth, and last, when ready to proceed tap the displays ‘Initiate Termination’ icon to begin the guillotine’s snuff cycle. Please note, that once the guillotine’s bascule finishes moving into its loading position and the lunette and restraints fully open, you will have only have sixty seconds to position yourself within the bascule’s restraints before they close.
    This was all so overwhelmingly terrifying. I felt myself starting to tremble as I stared up at the guillotine’s razor-sharp blade. On the verge of panic, I turned and looked back toward the door and started to walk towards it. I’d only taken a few steps when I willed myself to stop. Like the driver stated, I’d been past the point of no return the moment I climbed into that limo. Momentarily closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, then opening my eyes I turned and walked back to the waiting guillotine.
    Returning to pedestal’s flat-panel display, I suddenly noticed another icon, one that I’d overlooked, on the lower left corner of the display, ‘Self-Test’. Tapping the iron, I watched as the guillotine went through its cycle, its bascule rotating backward and down as it’s lunette and restraints opened. Sixty seconds later, the lunette and restraints swung closed and the bascule rotated upward and forward until it locked back in place. After a momentary delay, the screen started to display a ten second countdown, three, two, one, and with a sharp metallic ping as the blade suddenly fell. It was over in less than a second, the mounting base of the rapidly descending blade striking the guillotine’s stop plates with a loud bang that made my heart skip a beat.

  • I was shaking with fear yet defiant. All my natural impulses said to flee, but somehow I knew I’d come too far to back out now, that, and I suspected that Minos would never allow me to escape my well-deserved fate. Glancing down at the display, I noticed a new icon flashing, ‘Reset’. Pushing the icon, the blade rose up, locking itself once again fifteen feet above where my delicate neck would soon rest.
    Undressing, I could feel my aroused nipples rubbing painfully against the smooth satin lining of my impossibly tight corset. Neatly folding my blouse and skirt, I placed them on a nearby table before returning to the pedestal mounted display.
    Pausing to stare up at the ominously sharp-looking blade, I felt a sudden overwhelming sensation of pure erotic masochistic desire. My hands rising to cup my throbbing corset enhanced breasts before my right hand slid upward to caress my slender throat. I tried to imagine what it was going to feel like as that heavy, impossibly sharp, blade sliced effortlessly through my slender neck.

  • Staring at the pedestal mounted display I realized that the moment of truth had finally arrived. I had seconds, a minute at most, before Minos and his henchmen came and forced me under the guillotine’s blade. Trying to work up my courage, I took a slow and as deep a breath as my corset would allow before reaching down and tapping the ‘Initiate Termination’ icon with my finger.

  • Watching, as the bascule smoothly rotated backwards and down, I could already feel myself trembling with fear. Approaching the upright bascule, I could feel my heart pounding within my chest, my entire body electrified by what was about to happen. The feel of cool metal against my skin made me gasp as I positioned myself within the bascule’s open restraints.

  • Knowing that only seconds remained before the restraints locked closed around me, it took every fleeting vestige of courage not to pull away. Closing my eyes, I fought to keep my trembling body within the restraints. I kept trying to convince myself, “I can do this. This is what I wanted,” but I realized I was too scared to go through with it. I made up my mind, to walk away. That’s the moment I felt the restraints locking closed around me.

  • Once the restraints locked, the bascule lifted upward as it tilted forward. Glancing over at the pedestal mounted display, I realized to my horror that I’d forgotten to enter the preferred minimum / maximum termination delay intervals, and that I had no idea what the guillotine’s default values actually were.

  • Hearts of iron iv: battle for the bosporus cracker barrel. With a metallic click the bascule locked into its horizontal position and started sliding forward to position my slender neck directly beneath the guillotine’s blade. For all I knew that deadly blade might fall the moment the table finished positioning me for my inevitably painful execution. As I watched, my head slid between the guillotine’s two tall blade guide rails, and the bascule locked into place, I glanced down at the metal bucket where my head would soon fall and thought, “What have I done?”

  • Expecting the guillotine’s blade to fall at any second, what actually did happen came as a complete surprise, the powerful vibrators concealed within the two large silicon dildos filling my vagina and rectum suddenly switched on.
    That mysterious package, delivered to my mailbox earlier that afternoon, contained two oversized silicon dildos and a bottle of lube. What I’d failed to realize at the time was that these were actually powerful vibrators, vibrators currently trapped intimately deep within me and apparently now running at full power.
    My own vivid imagination, coupled with some of the Damsel in Distress discussion groups I’d read, made death under the guillotine’s blade seem like the ultimate masochistic aphrodisiac, that enticing mix of intense eroticism and unspeakable terror just before the blade falls. Well, thanks to those two oversized vibrating dildos, I think the eroticism was clearly starting to win out as I felt my first orgasm rapidly approaching.

  • I have no idea, about how long I’ve been waiting for the guillotine’s blade to drop and end my life. I do know that I’ve had more orgasms in this one night then I’d ever imagined possible. At this point, I’m unsure about how many orgasms I’ve actually had. It had been a while since I’d stopped counting after my twelfth climax. Oh, and I was wrong when I thought those vibrators were running at full power when they first switched on, seriously wrong.

  • Well on the way to my next orgasm, I suddenly heard a loud metallic click high above me. The guillotine’s blade disengaged from its locking mechanism followed by the hiss of metal against metal as the weighted blade started sliding down along its guide rails. I opened my mouth to scream, but no sound came out as I suddenly felt weightless as my head tumbled into the waiting bucket.

  • The horror of what had just happened, quickly overwhelming my senses, as I starred helplessly upward toward that blood spattered guillotine, my consciousness slowly drifting away as the darkness consumed me..

  • In the next room down the hall, Minos, the man who’d arranged for Rachel to experience her darkly masochistic guillotine fantasy lit up a cigarette. He’d thoroughly enjoyed watching Rachel die under the guillotine’s razor-sharp blade.
    Smiling he turned to one of his assistants, “OK, let’s get that guillotine disassembled and packed up. I want Rachel’s head and body on ice and ready for shipment a.s.a.p. the transport plane will be landing at the airport in sixty seven minutes.
    Watching on the camera displays as two of the Resort’s regeneration technicians wheeled the cart carrying the cryogenic storage container into the execution chamber and readied Rachel’s remains for shipment, he had to admit, that while he considered ‘Rachel on the Rails’ her best performance, the darkly autoerotic nature of ‘Rachel vs the Guillotine’ would have a certain appeal to many in his loyal audience.
    As for Rachel, she’d wake up Sunday morning safely back in her own bed, her deadly guillotine fantasy seemingly just another darkly erotic dream. And with her memories of their most-recent conversation erased from her memories, he was already looking forward to their next conversation and her next starring role in one of his snuff productions..


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